If you are in the lending, insuring, or investing industries, you are most likely acquainted with the challenges county websites present when it comes to searching for property records. We understand just how vital property data is. It isn’t easy to make an informed decision without the necessary insight into a particular property. Hitting a brick wall is not an option! So, just how do you get the information you need on a property in Newaygo County if there’s no direct way to plug into property records?Guess what? We have a way to plug DIRECTLY into property records. You’ll no longer have to go through the frustration of endless county website searches.
PropertyScout.io is your ONE CLICK solution to valuable property records. Give us a try by doing a search!
A Synopsis of Newaygo County
Newaygo County is western-centrally located in Michigan and sits just 25 miles north of Grand Rapids. A total of 24 townships, 4 cities, and 1 village make up the county, and all fall under the governing body of Newaygo County.
- Ashland
- Barton
- Beaver
- Big Prairie
- Bridgeton
- Brooks
- Croton
- Dayton
- Denver
- Ensley
- Everette
- Garfield
- Goodwell
- Grant
- Home
- Lilley
- Lincoln
- Merrill
- Monroe
- Norwich
- Sheridan
- Sherman
- Troy
- Wilcox
- Fremont
- Grant
- Newaygo
- White Cloud
- Hesperia
Lenders, investors, and insurers can take advantage of a time-saving source containing readily available Newaygo County property records. Try doing a search HERE!
A Scope of Newaygo County
Newaygo County is perhaps one of the most serene places in Michigan that offers access to pristine outdoor forested areas for outdoor enthusiasts. The Muskegon and White Rivers attract vacationers, fishermen, hikers, hunters, and more! There are 234 lakes and 484 miles of rivers and streams that make this county highly desirable for those looking for peaceful getaways. Campgrounds and lodges dot the banks and inland areas where you can enjoy camping at its best. Anglers make pilgrimages to the area to try their hand at brown trout, Chinook salmon, and steelhead fish. Canoes, kayaks, and tubing adventurers are often sighted along the rivers leisurely floating on by.Although spring and summer are high peak seasons, autumn and winter attract just as many visitors with the gorgeous fall foliage, hunting, and winter sports. Cross county snow skiing, sledding, ice skating, and ice fishing beckon tourists.
Owning or Renting Property in Newaygo County
Investors find this area to be appealing investment-wise with seasonal properties. You can easily leverage the four-season attractions the county has to offer. Prospective residents have a wide array of home styles, prices, and amenities to choose from. Property taxes in the county are mid-range in comparison to other counties. Because of the various townships, villages, and cities, property taxes differ. The rates are dependent upon what township/village/city a property is in, what school district you fall under, and whether or not the property is your principal or secondary residence.
Quick Facts About Newaygo County
- Covers 861 square miles
- 48 square miles of water
- 234 lakes
- 484 miles of rivers and streams
- 20% of the county is Manistee Forest
- Organized in 1851
- Newaygo was the first county seat until a fire destroyed it.
- White Cloud is the current county seat.
- Population
- 48,460 (during spring/summer, it increased 47.6% to 71,523)
- 59 people per square mile
- Hospitals: 1
- School Districts: 6
- Total student population: 11,941
- Fremont District: 2,139 students
- Grant District: 1,799 students
- Newaygo District: 1,562 students
- White Cloud District: 957 students
- Hesperia Village: 899 students
- Big Jackson District: 25 students
- Public Protection
- Fire Districts: 6
- Fire Departments: 12
- Sheriff’s Department: 1
- Colleges/Universities: within 1-2 hours drive
Property Climate in Newaygo County
The median listing price in the county is $149,900 ($104/square foot.)
- Median monthly mortgage: $1,097
- Median property taxes: $1,657
Valuation Over Past 3 Years
- November 2020: $149,900
- November 2019: $142,400
- November 2018: $129,900
Median Home Valuation Distribution
The median home value in the county is $121,300.
- <$50,000: 15%
- $50,000-$100,000: 25%
- $100,000-$200,000: 37%
- $200,000-$300,000: 15%
- $300,000-$400,000: 5%
- $400,000-$500,000: 2%
- $500,000-$750,000: 1%
Median Home Prices By City/Town
- Newaygo (city:) $169,900 (largest housing market in the county)
- Fremont: $163,700
- White Cloud: $100,000
- Grant: $163,500
- Croton: $160,000
Owner Occupancy Rate for Newaygo County
There are 25,075 housing units (31.3/square mile) in the county.
Vacant Homes (26.6%)
73% (4,885) of these vacant homes are seasonal properties. Lilley Township has the highest amount (12.9%) of seasonal homes (629.)
Owner Occupied Homes (73.4%)
16,074 homes are owner-occupied.
Rental Property Data for Newaygo County
The median monthly rental $704
Median Monthly Rental
- <$300: 8%
- $300-$500: 14%
- $500-$750: 27%
- $750-$1,000: 25%
- $1,000-$1,500: 11%
- $1,500-$2,500: 2%
Newaygo County Economy
The major employers in the county are Nestle-Gerber Products (Gerber baby food,) Spectrum Gerber Memorial Hospital, Magna Mirrors, county/city government, and the various school districts.
GDP Bergen County
- 2019: $1,567,460
- 2018: $1,439,562
2nd Mortgage/HELOCs Newaygo County
A very small percentage of homeowners have a second mortgage or home equity line of credit (HELOC) on their home. Almost half (47%) of homeowners within the county are mortgage free!
- 2nd mortgages: 1%
- HELOCs: 5%
Property Insurance and Risks in Newaygo County
Storms and flooding are the most prominent forms of natural disasters that hit the county. Over 83 storm events have caused $2 million in damage. The Muskegon River Watershed and White River contribute to 2-3 annual flood events that have the ability to cause catastrophic damage. Interestingly, Bridgeton Township has the highest repetitive flood events (8) that have resulted in losses.The county has seen 13 tornado events ($190,000 damage,) 48 hail events ($325,000 damage,) and 18 winter events ($13,425,000 damage.)
Public Record Access in Newaygo County
Unlocking the maze of pages, departments, and contacts within a county and its townships and districts can be daunting! Finding a starting point on a county website is merely the first step as numerous pages open from the massive amount of links one has to open to find direction. Newaygo County’s website is not nearly as complex and confusing as other county websites are. However, piecing together the puzzle remains intricately similar with an end result of hitting a brick wall unable to go further.
You can get results NOW by doing a Newaygo County property lookup HERE!
Maneuvering Through A Newaygo County Property Lookup
We will show you just how difficult and challenging it can be to find property records on a county website. As we dive into the abyss of page after page, searching, digging, and clicking on links, you will find that getting the information you seek isn’t as simple as assumed.We begin our search on Newaygo County’s website. The landing page is the “Welcome” page, which oddly has a disarray of content that doesn’t seem to fit on a landing page. Here we find election results, COVID information, links to court trials, press releases, and a little bit of information on the county. After typing in a general search in the search bar for “property records,” we are taken to a new page with over 50 links to outside/third-party property data providers. This was definitely not what we would expect because county websites rarely direct traffic to outside sources that may not be reputable or reliable. So, we go back to the “Welcome” landing page.Perhaps by going into the “Departments” link button, we will get somewhere. When clicking on the button, there are options to choose from, one of which is “Central Offices.” We click on that one, and a new page opens to the County Administrator page, which happens to be nothing more than a static bio page. We go back to the “Welcome” page.Going back to the “Departments” button, we choose the next option: “County Clerk.” A new page opens to yet another static bio page. We return to the “Welcome” page.
On a third try at the “Departments” button, we choose the “Register of Deeds.” A new page opens, and we arrive at what looks like something fruitful. On this new page are statements about how they are working on transferring “digitized” records to a database system. Off to the right side of this page are links. We click on “Online Searching,” and a new page opens. This new page requires us to log in as “public,” which we do. Another new page opens to a “County Fusion KOFILE Technologies” platform. To search for a property, we must enter the property owner’s name, recorded dates, parcel number, township, subdivision, lot, and block. There is no option to “search by address” or any other method. So, here is the brick wall that often comes up in searching county websites.
Don’t waste precious time to end up hitting a brick wall! Get FAST access to Newaygo County real estate records by trying a search on PropertyScout.io.
Get The Property Data You Need NOW!
Burning up precious time is the same as throwing your money into the pit of a fire. Wasting time in our industries is costly, inefficient, and non-productive. Property records are only a click away. The bad news is when you rely on county websites, you waste time and money. The GREAT NEWS is there is a way to save money and time in getting property records.
PropertyScout.io provides you with:
- FAST access to property data without having to rely on county websites.
- A great return on your investment by partnering with us.
- A reliable source to get the insight you need to do your job effectively.
Are you ready to save time and money? Give us a try today!
Source for county statistics: www.towncharts.com