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Owner Name Different Than Expected
Searching on a property and notice Owner Name Different Than Expected
Some reasons why the Owner’s name(s) may show up in our database different than expected:
- A recent sale may not have made it through the process of being recorded, digitized, and then updated in online databases. While the process is faster than ever, there are still some manual steps after closing that can require time. Here are some other checks you can do to get insights to possible changes to property ownership.
1. Go to the “Mortgage” tab and identify the most recent sale date
2. Review “Transaction History” and “Chain of Title” (note: contact Support for these reports)
- There are situations where the person or entity occupying the unit is not the owner. This happens with tenants of apartments and many commercial buildings. In multiple unit buildings with the same numbered street address, choose “Condominium Association/Building Owner” from the search results. This will give the name of the building owner or, in the case of condominium associations, the name of the association. In multiple unit buildings with different numbered street addresses (ex. 100 – 112 Main St), the building owner may be in one of the other addresses. Look at the building using the Maps & Photos tab and identify the neighboring addresses. Many times, the owner is in a unit at one end of the building.
- For example: In a strip mall, the owner of the strip mall will be displayed when searching for an address in our application. If you are looking for a business and the owner of the business is leasing it from the owner of the building, then you will have a mismatch. Go to the “Residents“ tab you may identify some of the names and find out the person you are looking for, may not be the owner, but may be a resident of one of the units in that building
The rest of the tabs also provide property info such us, mortgage details, resident names, etc.
Spend a few seconds browsing through the tabs to get other ideas/insights as to how you can find the owner.
If you need assistance, please contact customer support at or by calling 1-800-773-4062 (8:30am-2:30pm pst)